Multi Lingual

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Revision as of 04:56, 26 May 2022 by Marcow (talk | contribs)
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Some business domains involve multiple languages. Examples are banks which operate both nationally and internationally. Those environemnts require terms and definitions in more than a single language.

To activate this support, one features must be activated in the CaseTalk preferences: Tools\Preferences\Advanced\Mult Lingual Support. Once that is checked, CaseTalk will activate user interface features.

Information Model

The information model is by default in a single locale. This can be specified by navigating in the project panel/window to the IG-File and edit the properties. In the Summary tab there's a setting for the default Locale.

Fact Expressions

By default all expressions are entered in the locale of the model itself. If new expressions are added, the expression input dialog allows to specify in which locale it is stated.

Term Vocabulary

To add translations to Object/Fact/Label Types, the appropriate edit dialogs have a Vocabularies button to start adding translations for different locales.

Expression Tree

The expression tree shows the selected expression and uses OTFT Names from the model. Once the expression is specified in a specific locale, CaseTalk will attempt to display the corresponding translated names.

Diagram Localization

By default diagrams depict the information model as specified. Once translations are added to the model, the diagram can also be depicted in a specified Locale. This is selectable using the dropdown box at the top of the diagram panel/window.

Inside the diagram styling, users may specify which expressions are drawn in the diagram. This can be limited to only Fact Expressions, Object Expressions or both. Additionally it can be set to only show the corresponding Locale, Prefer the Locale, or show expressions from any Locale.