The solid modeling method FCO-IM is great for bottom-up modeling, where every little detail is communicated and registered.

And yet, sometimes, we also need some support for top-down modeling. This would allow easy scoping while ignoring details that are needed at the end of the analysis. This high level scoping and registering of concepts and the ability to nest them in containers, is of great help in early stages of modeling and for high level information model views.

With CaseTalk version 12 we add the support for that. Below is a preview of a simple diagram mixing both top-down and bottom-up in a single model and diagram.



Ensemble Logical Modeling

The Ensemble Logical Model (ELM) is an enterprise-wide business model which, in an agile way, maps the business concepts within a given organization into an agile and adaptable model. ... The Ensemble Logical model is a backbone model containing the Core Business Concepts and the way these are related. The high level modeling of concepts in this approach is in need for a trickle down approach which further integrates the communication and their examples. FCO-IM is an excellent candidate for that. ELM has a number of artifacts, the first is the so called Core Business Concept List. With the new concepts in CaseTalk it has become very easy to enter these:

cbc list


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