casetalk devices

products, Features and Pricing

  book education person3 professional corporate2


Modeler check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Viewer check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Manager - - - - check16x16
Portal - - - - check16x16


Validation Rules check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Diagram Export check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
ERD, UML Diagram, Concept Maps check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Verbalizations check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Wizards check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Custom Transformation  -  check16x16  check16x16  check16x16 check16x16 
Rich Text - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Custom Attributes - - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
State Icons - - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Prototyper - - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Layout Engine - - - check16x16 check16x16
Validation Customization - - - check16x16 check16x16
Session Support - - - check16x16 check16x16
Namespaces - - - check16x16 check16x16
Transformation Profiles - - - check16x16 check16x16
Data Explorer - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
Model Slicing - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
Navigate ODBC - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
Navigate JDBC - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
Vocabularies check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
ChatGPT check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
DeepL check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
  book education person3 professional corporate2


SQL2011 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
SQL Server - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Oracle - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
MariaDB - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
MsAccess - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
SQLite - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
PostgreSQL - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
SQL92 - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
MySQL - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
Denodo - - - check16x16 check16x16
Teradata - - - check16x16 check16x16
MongoDB - - - check16x16 check16x16


XML Schema - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
JSON Schema - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
JSON Table Schema - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
OWL/RDF - - - check16x16 check16x16
LinkML - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
GraphML check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16


PowerDesigner (export) - - - check16x16 check16x16
ER/Studio (export) - - - check16x16 check16x16
Datavault Builder (export) - - - - check16x16
ERwin XML (import) - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16


UML (XMI) - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
PlantUML - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Delphi/Pascal check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Java check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Python check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Go - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
  book education person3 professional corporate2


Business Glossary - - - check16x16 check16x16
GraphML check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Bitmap & SVG - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
HTML - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
CSV - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
XLS - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
SQLite - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
XML - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
SQL - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16

Import / MERGE

Model Merge - - - check16x16 check16x16
CBC List and Form - - - check16x16 check16x16
Business Glossary - - - check16x16 check16x16
SQLite - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
XML - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
CSV - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
XLS - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16
  book education person3 professional corporate2


Allow Commercial Use - - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Unlimited Model Size - check16x16 check16x16 check16x16 check16x16
Unlimited Project Size - check16x16 - check16x16 check16x16


Monthly - -
Yearly - -

Purchase your subscription online,
through our trusted partner FastSpring.


  • Licenses and prices are listed per single user per named period
  • Educational edition is also provided as an Evaluation edition. The evaluation period is limited to 30 days of free use.
  • Non Profit Educational Institutes are entitled to a 12 month subscription period to educate their students. Individual Students may register for a personalized subscription with a 6 month duration, which is extendable upon request.


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Supported Tools

Idera ER/Studiologo powerdesignerdatavault builderdenodo


Supported Databases

Microsoft SQL Server Logooracle logods-firebird-logo-1000interbase-logopostgresql logomysql-logomariadbSQLite-logoDenodo Logomsaccessteradatamongodb

SUPPORTED technology

rdf w3cjsonschemaXML Schema Definitionumlpythonjavadelphi