A few minor, inconvenient issues solved.
0003092: [Installation] Roaming CaseTalk11 folder used (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003090: [User Interface] Start UC wizard from OTFT Dialog (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003088: [User Interface] Colors make OTFTs unreadable (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003085: [Validation] Run wellformedness rules in parallel (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003084: [User Interface] Task colors missing in Expressions (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003091: [User Interface] OTFT Go to Web uses Schema and FactName (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003087: [User Interface] Fails to navigate using 'go to <diagram>' (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003086: [Validation] False positive in 'Expressions must be current' (BCP Software) - resolved.
8 issues View Issues