Scheduled For Release 2025-02-14
New highlighters for edited elements or based on your own filters.
New Knowledge Graph Diagram generated from your population.
Introducing Complex Types for handling composite Label Types.
Brand new Project Report get ready to hand off to non-modelers.
0004992: [User Interface] rich text automatic linking fails - new.
0004994: [User Interface] Edit SC corrupts (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004988: [Integration] Cannot add generated HTML file to project (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004995: [User Interface] Diagram tab captions rename (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004991: [Project] Full Project Report (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004990: [Other] Todo items forget text (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004989: [Integration] Add printing the internal browser pages (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004987: [Diagrams] Use Case Diagram (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004986: [Diagrams] Fact Types which render a subtype in UML lack semantics (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004985: [Diagrams] Draw complextypes differently in UML (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004984: [User Interface] Apply color scheme for errors and warnings in mapping (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004983: [Diagrams] Ensemble color scheme does not color static population roles (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004982: [Server] Server authentication remembers me not (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004981: [User Interface] Show Qualify/Classify confirmations as warnings (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004980: [Diagrams] UCs float when zooming/loading (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004979: [Diagrams] Saved diagrams reopen at different zoom (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004978: [User Interface] Some dialogs appear modal, yet behind other windows (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004977: [Other] System logs do not contain user actions (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004976: [Project] Access violations may leave a corrupted IG on disk (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004975: [Repository] Unknown datatypes not listed (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004974: [Diff and Merge] Merging updates timestamps (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004973: [Diff and Merge] Merging does not bring population along (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004972: [User Interface] File reopen, not always shows last opened file first (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004971: [Repository] Highlight (recent) changes (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004970: [Diagrams] UML Static Population (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004969: [User Interface] Search does not start at the active control/window (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004968: [Transformation (GLR)] Switching from IGG to IG and running transform fails (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004967: [Repository] Use OTFT filters also for highlighting purposes (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004966: [Diagrams] Zooming out leaves some items the original size (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004965: [Diagrams] Checkmarks in vocabulary could show as highlighted in diagrams (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004964: [Server] Show the namespaces that have imported a selected OTFT (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004963: [Diff and Merge] Merging while supertypes changed may crash (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004962: [Refactoring] Transform FT into OT (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004961: [Server] Server disconnection option (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004960: [User Interface] Editing the OTFT while a Role is selected will crash (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004952: [Project] Environment settings allow to remember re-activing previous files (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004951: [User Interface] During Merge, view details may get hidden (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004950: [Diff and Merge] Merging brings various versions along for expressions (BCP Software) - resolved.
35 of 38 issue(s) resolved. Progress (92%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-02-24
0004135: [User Interface] Reactivate the schema dialog - new.
0003411: [Validation] Warn for forced reducing - new.
0004373: [Repository] Custom attributes for OTFTs in named filters - new.
0004793: [Diff and Merge] Merge with Replace function (BCP Software) - feedback.
0004913: [Documentation (Web, Help, ..)] Export respec documentation (BCP Software) - confirmed.
0002836: [User Interface] "File Save As" simply renames the file (BCP Software) - confirmed.
0004954: [Integration] Store metadata in Workspaces (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004949: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] PostgreSQL add comment (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004948: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Fact in OWL could become a SubPropertyOf (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004942: [User Interface] Extend filtering profiles with (relative) date ranges or authors (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004915: [Repository] Some paragraphs need to be listed in the TOC (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004911: [Project] Save project, should be in its own folder (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001854: [Constraints] Equality Constraint (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004877: [Integration] Drag and drop html fragments from internal browser (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004863: [Integration] sometimes contains images (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004854: [Diagrams] Adding new objects to the diagram, keeps hinting they are not displayed (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004374: [Repository] Organogram for users, departments and user groups (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004821: [Repository] Find OTFT based on translated named (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001904: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Export for Data Vault Builder (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004729: [Integration] Datavault Builder API support (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004372: [Repository] Support for unlimited timelines (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004024: [Lineage] For your eyes only - classifications (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004578: [User Interface] Multi edit support setting values to NULL (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004576: [Server] Upload the TODO items (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004575: [Integration] Drag an IG onto vocabulary to merge (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004574: [Installation] Change file extensions (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004558: [Data Explorer] Add mapping as a View option (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004519: [Diagrams] Rule and member should specify direction (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004478: [Repository] State Modeling (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003415: [Server] Download model selectively (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000132: [Transformation (GLR)] Recursive structures must be doped (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000889: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Complex subsets not generated (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002511: [User Interface] Multilingual Application (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002522: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Extend OWL/RDF with Namespace References (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002746: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate Transitional Match Table (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002749: [User Interface] Support Hi-Dpi monitors (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002758: [User Interface] Expression Preview Dark Theme (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002769: [Server] Readonly server account (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002852: [Repository] Extend Annotation for Value Constraints (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002867: [Repository] Add time moment support (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002875: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Relationship data lifecycle (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002928: [Validation] Teams Version Tagging restriction (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003408: [Expressions] Render datetime formats according to Locale (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003469: [User Interface] Match OTE, one-by-one (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003594: [Diagrams] Show used OTFTs in derived fact types (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003597: [Diagrams] Diagram Object Types with hidden TC (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003666: [Repository] Register data mutation rate (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003695: [Expressions] Generate type level rules as expression file (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003722: [Repository] Allow entering Alias as a seperate OTFT (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003754: [Server] Namespace dependency administration (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003790: [Diagrams] Support OTFT.Schema coloring (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003791: [Integration] Import Oracle SQL Data Modeler (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003823: [Diagrams] Sort population (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003872: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Provide export of Structures for API use (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003875: [Validation] Tweak mandatory attributes rule (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003940: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support for Data Contracts (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003996: [Repository] Support different role types (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004001: [Integration] ODBC Oracle incomplete (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004002: [Constraints] Constraint scope (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004049: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] XMI render more methods (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004061: [Diagrams] Annotations editing using Ctrl+E (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004083: [Other] Support markdown annotations (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004091: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Add temporal database views (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004096: [Diagrams] Diagram should render a color legend (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004100: [Integration] Allow custom attribute with multiple values (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004101: [Integration] Allow mapping to link population editor (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004102: [Repository] Containers need a function classification (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004153: [Installation] Add diff/merge plugin for git (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004162: [Import and Export] Export GraphML to neo4j including tuple data (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002870: [Repository] Support custom names for temporal aspects (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002871: [Repository] Allow custom annotation names for artifacts (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002876: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Specify cascading rules for foreign keys (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002889: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Add temporal columns for non supporting artifacts (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002964: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] BigQuery SQL (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003047: [Constraints] Subsets with multiple from-to pairs (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003065: [Diff and Merge] Merge with role changes (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003152: [Expressions] Reverbalize using language referencing (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003157: [Repository] Store derivation rule (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003210: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] ER/Studio supports flags which are not persisted (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003212: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Run VBA script directly (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003219: [Repository] Mark Label Type as Code (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003299: [Expressions] QuaCla extend search to Server Database (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003320: [Repository] Custom attribute with a list of values (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003531: [Transformation (GLR)] GLR Proposals do not reflect settings (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003548: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Add TypeDB generator (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003578: [Diagrams] Tweak size of expressions in diagram (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003595: [Constraints] Specify value constraints using functions (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003598: [Repository] TC desired state (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003758: [Transformation (GLR)] Generalized object do not have a real primary key (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004133: [Import and Export] Export rules in business glossary (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004161: [Repository] Datatype export/import failure (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004227: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate Java JAR (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004259: [Diagrams] Duplicate diagram (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004265: [Other] Reduce PNG file sizes (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004267: [User Interface] Custom attribute defaults not working for tuples (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004284: [Integration] Import and export offline catalog (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004285: [Repository] Transform OTFT to Concept (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004320: [Diagrams] Error when changing diagram style while diagram is zoomed (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004326: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] PostgreSQL table inheritance (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004353: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Export UML in JSON format (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004361: [Server] Login to server is slow (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004362: [Repository] Schema definition (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004366: [Data Explorer] Provide Table/UML Import into a IGG repository (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004368: [Refactoring] Transform a Role into a Fact Type (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004395: [Refactoring] Provide Group/Ungroup function (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004421: [User Interface] Introduce Modeling Personas (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004451: [User Interface] Diagram zoom is very slow (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004459: [Diagrams] Physical ERD option (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004943: [Diagrams] Use filtering to highlight elements in the diagram (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004941: [User Interface] Take ownership should only work on proper selection (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004944: [User Interface] Edit CC opens wrong OTFT (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004866: [Project] Support images from project subfolder (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004867: [Diagrams] Support image ration in Annotations (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004868: [Integration] Browse the web inside Casetalk and detect downloads (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004869: [User Interface] Large RTF files are slow when linking (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004872: [Integration] Search the Portal (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004874: [User Interface] New Subtype for LabelTypes (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004875: [User Interface] Show label subtypes in the taxonomy (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004876: [User Interface] Ontology crashes when named rolepaths exist (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004879: [User Interface] Altering Display Theme, does not alter diagram background (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004880: [Diagrams] Object Type shadow enhancement (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004881: [User Interface] Align with Windows light/dark Theme (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004882: [Diagrams] Expression render old content after "Alter Role Played By" (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004883: [Server] Sometimes uploads burn two increments (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004884: [Diagrams] Italic text gets trimmed (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004885: [Diagrams] Diagram style reset supporting Dark/Light (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004614: [Other] Edit on large model is very slow (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004855: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] PostgreSQL generation crashes (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004865: [Server] After hibernation, casetalk complaints server "not online" (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004886: [Diagrams] Diagram styles set to Automatic cause issues (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004887: [Repository] Editing subset constraints while Label Subtyping exists blocks the ui (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004888: [Diagrams] Hide roles from Object/Fact Type (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004889: [User Interface] Provide a hint when no tabs are opened yet (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004890: [Transformation (GLR)] Explicit transformation (F12) blocks, Background transform works (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004891: [Diagrams] Use InterUC symbol instead of 'u' (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004892: [Diagrams] Derivable mark is constraint color (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004893: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] PostgreSQL contains no views (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004894: [Diagrams] Color tuples according to the confirmed/counter state (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004895: [User Interface] List database views in the Internal Schema Dialog (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004896: [User Interface] Alt+G focuses, but doesn't jump (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004897: [Transformation (GLR)] Turning on artificial key sometimes crashes plugins (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004899: [Diff and Merge] Merge with active project should not allow active IG (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004901: [Diff and Merge] Merge misses operations on a selected set of OTFTs (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004902: [Repository] Redo/Undo combination may invalidate database (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004903: [Diff and Merge] Incompatible taxonomy change not detected (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004904: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] RDF export blocks stating xmlid requires a value (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004905: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] CC with only a minimum fails in XMI export (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004906: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Containers may block XMI export (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004907: [Expressions] Starting a new IG shows Undo Default Attributes (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004910: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] RDF/OWL missing datatype definition (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004917: [User Interface] Add Sub Paragraph not rendered as such (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004918: [User Interface] Filter OTFTs using RegExp on custom attribute values (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004920: [User Interface] Add option to hide/show all toolbar buttons (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004921: [Diagrams] Automatically added OTFT upon creation, at wrong diagram position (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004922: [Diagrams] Some UML attributes do not render the primary identification (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004923: [Diagrams] Former concepts in diagrams create multiple containers (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004924: [Diagrams] Bi-directional lines between containers keep showing up (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004925: [Diagrams] UML Diagram misses relationships (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004926: [User Interface] Closing a query tab not working (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004927: [Diagrams] Multivalue attribute not shown in UML (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004928: [Repository] Navigate from meta queries on the repository (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004929: [Diagrams] Duplicate relationships in UML Diagram show once (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004930: [Diagrams] Cardinality in UML Diagram wrong (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004931: [Data Explorer] Generate query based on data-tab (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004932: [User Interface] Edit and Unlock OTFT, leaves tx open (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004933: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Primary key not generated in artifacts (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004934: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Artifact generation log file not showing (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004935: [Diagrams] Add UML Diagram Attribute annotation (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004936: [Diagrams] Adjust minimal size containers/concepts (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004937: [Refactoring] Nominalize Label (sub)type (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004938: [Diagrams] Label sub/supertype not shown in SVG (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004939: [Diagrams] Highlighting lexicalization path should include label supertype (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004940: [Diagrams] Generalized Object types break Entity Relation Diagram (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004850: [Diagrams] Allow relation part to be invisible (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003778: [Integration] Integrate external catalogs (BCP Software) - resolved.
0002115: [User Interface] Support import of (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004839: [Diagrams] Diagram overview tweaks (BCP Software) - resolved.
0002154: [Repository] External reference data for otft population (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004835: [User Interface] Capital A is skipped when typing a fact type name (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004836: [Expressions] Make current exp file the default (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004837: [User Interface] Translate expression dialog is missing (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004838: [Import and Export] Merge Wizard fails to renew diagram list (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004840: [Diagrams] Grid outlining does not include Diagram Info Block (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004841: [Diagrams] Diagram Annotations autosize too big (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004842: [Diagrams] Role relation positions are wrong (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004844: [Diagrams] Nominalisation duplicate relations (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004846: [Diagrams] UML Derived Attributes always shows datatype (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004847: [Diagrams] Some subset constraints show in UML as multiple inheritence. (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004843: [User Interface] Data Explorer Mapping closure causes crash (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004548: [Refactoring] Reflecting name changes in expression files (BCP Software) - resolved.
0001265: [Expressions] Edit expression shows no related information (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003233: [Repository] Label Type Character Collation (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004555: [Data Explorer] Opening data explorer with large models is slow (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004553: [Diff and Merge] Merge from selected IG File (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004504: [Repository] Add Authoritive Source (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004134: [User Interface] Restore from archive redesign (BCP Software) - resolved.
0002561: [Repository] Alter generic length for char datatype (BCP Software) - resolved.
89 of 197 issue(s) resolved. Progress (45%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-05-05
0003118: [User Interface] Generate Expressions options - acknowledged.
0004870: [Other] Recognize coordinates to plot on a map (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004909: [Integration] Integrate datasets from (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004857: [Integration] Integrate available open linkeddata vocabulary (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004856: [Import and Export] Import turtle metadata (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004201: [Repository] Set / Ordered List (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004728: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate SWAG Documentation (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004713: [Repository] Document OTFT to be a context for others (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000243: [Repository] Rolepaths (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004794: [Server] Compare with server version and coloring the OTFT accordingly (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004712: [Repository] Add indicator if a fact tuple can be annotated (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004795: [Diff and Merge] Merge Glossary could create SyncLinks back into source file (BCP Software) - resolved.
0001709: [Other] Support TODO in the model (BCP Software) - resolved.
4 of 13 issue(s) resolved. Progress (30%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2100-01-01
Future unscheduled changes and fixes
0004871: [Integration] Study Event Modeling and Storming - new.
0004565: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] eventstore - new.
0004283: [Integration] Copy diagram to clipboard as SVG (BCP Software) - new.
0003123: [Import and Export] Collibra integration - new.
0004112: [User Interface] Support accessibility settings - new.
0004082: [Integration] MsTeams webhooks - new.
0003579: [Integration] Integrate OpenData through RDF - new.
0003555: [Repository] Allow concept/container to link to diagrams - new.
0003526: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Pegasus Schema Definition - new.
0002943: [Other] State definitions - new.
0001730: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate SQLite instance for ProtoTyping - new.
0002234: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization support? - new.
0002073: [User Interface] Allow grouped population editing - new.
0002067: [Constraints] Make constraints conditional - new.
0002068: [Expressions] Enhance expression file - new.
0004993: [Import and Export] Import other FOM model files (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000818: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] ComplexTypes in Domains (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004953: [Integration] Investigate how dBT may serviced (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004919: [Integration] Integrate Apache Jena for extended RDF support (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004914: [Integration] Support NL-SBB (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004916: [Integration] Allow simple project folder sharing (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002091: [Constraints] Add support for Strict Equality Constraint (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004878: [Integration] Load portal_isapi.dll outside of IIS to serve functionality locally (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004864: [Integration] EU legal integration (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002975: [Import and Export] HL7 integration (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003959: [Repository] Decision Model Notation (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004810: [Integration] Import Safyr JSON files for mapping SAP (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000454: [Import and Export] Link external schema to model for reporting (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004660: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] TypeSpec for openAPI generation (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004624: [Integration] Integrate Microsoft To Do (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004619: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate documentation from Paragraphs in artifacts (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004571: [Expressions] Allow exppart annotation (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004570: [Expressions] Log tuples with expressions used (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004456: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Use estimated population to drive nosql artifacts (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001959: [Constraints] Generalized object types should add UC's (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004257: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Extend business timelines with technical timelines (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004254: [Repository] Extend the task lifecycle with start date (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004255: [Diagrams] Show OTFTs with time dependency based on Task (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003963: [Other] Order OTFT by 'Assembly' (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004151: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Mendix generator for domain model (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004139: [Transformation (GLR)] Grouping binary fact with CC fails (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004114: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate EBNF from the information model (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004041: [Repository] Add role expressions for assertion, defaults and display formatting (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002528: [Repository] Microsoft Translator API (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004008: [Integration] Export expressions in MarkDown format (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004103: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] XAJB and XJC (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003944: [Integration] MIM Integration (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004063: [Constraints] Show ERD preview in UC Wizard (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004054: [Expressions] Parse nested fact expression structure (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003978: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate table with data event storage (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003946: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] GEMMA integration (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003945: [Integration] MIM Import (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000744: [Import and Export] Hierarchical formats require a root selection (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003913: [Diagrams] Generate more readable plantUML code (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001582: [Other] Map roles to roles in other models (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003879: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support HJSON in addition to regular JSON (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002313: [Customization] Use case scenario documentation (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001718: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support Natural Language Processing (NLP) (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003839: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Some constraints are not generated into RDF (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003834: [Validation] Detect disconnected graphs (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003770: [Transformation (GLR)] Use containers for normalization (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003739: [Repository] Annotation with persistent otft links (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003667: [Repository] OTFT immutable population flag (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003624: [Integration] Research FAIR integration (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003604: [Project] Partial archive maintains full project list (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003589: [User Interface] Add custom attribute ordering (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003575: [Integration] Integrate RDF ontologies (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002282: [Installation] Windows 10 Restart with Restart Applications (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003527: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] DataHub support (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001027: [Other] Add some support for BPMN (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002321: [Import and Export] Support INSPIRE code lists (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003025: [User Interface] Support Markdown notation in comments (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001100: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support Data Vault Physical Model Generation (BCP Software) - assigned.
       0000461: [Repository] Split OTFT into two (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003189: [Transformation (GLR)] Allow GLR to split UC's (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003171: [Repository] Edit recursive population (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002468: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support GQL (BCP Software) - assigned.
0003052: [Server] Centralize datatype management (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002983: [Import and Export] Support Top down modeling (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002981: [Other] Support BEAM forms (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002978: [Installation] Include Ad-Sense in free Book Edition (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002973: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] XOR in XSD (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001199: [User Interface] Refactor a Object/Fact Type by adding a role (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002630: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate Abstract Syntax Tree (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002941: [Installation] RDP Flickering (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002897: [Repository] Common subtypes (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002681: [Repository] Use Query By Example for filtering (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002757: [Project] Handling file shortcuts (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002687: [Repository] Homonyms and Synonyms (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002789: [Transformation (GLR)] Generalized Abstract OT should split (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002772: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Datomic database supprt (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002509: [Diagrams] Concept Shape Properties (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002735: [Repository] Add sensitivity annotation (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002677: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support MariaDB (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002648: [Diagrams] Add shape with polylines to diagram (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002581: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Kafka event streaming (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002547: [Repository] Log the change and it's reason (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002537: [Import and Export] Investigate Archimate (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001745: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support for Neo4j graph database - assigned.
0002467: [Import and Export] Reverse engineering could count records (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002357: [Import and Export] Import PowerDesigner XML (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002448: [Diff and Merge] Constraints are not always merged (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002322: [Expressions] Allow value insertion while adding an expression (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002312: [Import and Export] Import XMI files (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002305: [Diagrams] Allow diagram parts to auto-align (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000857: [Repository] Future or Deprecated Facts (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002300: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate JSONForms (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002295: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Informatica Logical Data View (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002288: [Constraints] Implement a faster UC algorithm (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002266: [User Interface] Show Expression details from OTFT dialog (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001513: [Validation] Query external database for population checks (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002189: [Repository] Alias should be presented with Expressions (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002243: [Project] Visual feedback for IGD's in need of update (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002196: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Remove parts of a model for an Artifact (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001978: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] OWL some constraints require additional property's (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001986: [Other] Bug report doesn't work (BCP Software) - assigned.
0002065: [Import and Export] Export to ArchiMate format (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001929: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support the NuoDB syntax (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000741: [Repository] Generalized OTFT should have at least one TC (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001902: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support Snowflake cloud database (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001894: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] DB2 SQL Generator (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001893: [Diagrams] Generalized Object Types request (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001872: [Import and Export] Diagram HTML+PNG wrong sizes (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001868: [Repository] Expand rolefix removes population (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001800: [Repository] Verbalized values lack mapping to technical values (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001687: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate RAML definitions (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001775: [Transformation (GLR)] Grouping a Supertype generates asymmetric foreign keys (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001482: [Transformation (GLR)] Datatype mapping table missing (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001248: [Repository] Custom Attribute Category add a Caption (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000515: [Expressions] UC placed during recursive QuaCla is not extended (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001492: [Repository] Extend support for generalization (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000437: [Diff and Merge] Compare two IG(G) files using dual list diff dialog (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000478: [Import and Export] Export both IGG and IG simultaneously (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001556: [Printing and Reporting] Complete business report (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001551: [Diff and Merge] Support IGG diff (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001540: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support TimescaleDB (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000663: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate nosql scripts (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001514: [Expressions] Support import/export of expression trees in text format (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001495: [Expressions] Insert OTE, should include FTE's with a wide UC (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001356: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support Apache Cassandra Database (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001208: [Other] Support Status/Task in user interface (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001119: [Validation] Nominalisation test should extend deeper (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001128: [Repository] OTFT Namespace Linking (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001083: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Cassandra Database support (BCP Software) - assigned.
0001086: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Provide support for query definition (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000819: [Repository] Custom Attribute value enumerated by existing OTFT Names (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000916: [Repository] Custom Attribute type to link other OTFT's (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000124: [Import and Export] Export database model to Erwin/PowerDesigner (BCP Software) - assigned.
       0000848: [Import and Export] Export database model to PowerDesigner (BCP Software) - closed.
0000972: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support datamodel script to Mendix (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000973: [Other] Connect to online account (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000934: [Project] Add Files to Version Manager does nothing (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000923: [Repository] OTFT for System tables (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000481: [Repository] Implement stereotypes for pattern re-use (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000598: [Diff and Merge] Merge models based upon selected expressions (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000599: [Diff and Merge] Merging using drag and drop (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000621: [Diagrams] Draw other diagrams as linked symbol (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000833: [Diagrams] Custom Attributes in Diagram (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000831: [Repository] Custom Attributes with Options should contain Labels (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000829: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support Netezza DBMS (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000794: [User Interface] New diagram gets lost upon Cancel (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000789: [Installation] Invalid Registration Names (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000788: [Installation] Support for Windows searchable content (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000785: [Repository] Semantically equivalent transformation (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000679: [Expressions] Prompt for subtype indication (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000674: [Expressions] Selecting expressionpart may suggest OTFT (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000610: [Diff and Merge] Merge Replace fails if population mismatches (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000504: [Expressions] Support more expression pasting formats (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000489: [Validation] Add warning for subtype name in supertype expression (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000405: [User Interface] Constraints cannot be made from Repository Window (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000389: [User Interface] Constraint Assistent during QuaCla should ask for subtypes (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000120: [Transformation (GLR)] Create a binairy fact with subtype indications (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000341: [Diagrams] Color indications for GLR proposals (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000337: [Project] Synchronize Modeler and Manager (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000307: [Repository] Facttypes with a limited lifetime (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000290: [Diagrams] Print other diagram tabs (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000275: [User Interface] Implement Prototype application (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000230: [Other] Cannot open multiple IG files (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000187: [Expressions] Expression pattern matching for previous OTE (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000162: [Project] The manager maintains a more restrictive project structure (BCP Software) - assigned.
0000064: [Expressions] Generate expressions using mixed type and label level (BCP Software) - assigned.
0004912: [Integration] Support Semic (BCP Software) - resolved.
0000787: [Expressions] Support for multilingual in verbalizing rules (BCP Software) - resolved.
0002334: [Other] Population generator for missing tuples (BCP Software) - resolved.
0001801: [Repository] Support for both positive and negative population (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003528: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] YAML support (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003941: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support export to LinkML (BCP Software) - resolved.
0001864: [User Interface] Add colors for expression tree parts (BCP Software) - resolved.
0002965: [Other] Link with technical data (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003159: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate GoLang structures (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003340: [Repository] Subtype indicator should be stored on roles (BCP Software) - resolved.
0000594: [Diff and Merge] Merging does not take in the TC's (BCP Software) - resolved.
0000224: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Always GLR to implementation (BCP Software) - resolved.
0000131: [User Interface] Rolenumbers are obsolete and should be hidden (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003108: [Repository] Provide a name for UC (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003113: [Repository] Build substitution editor (BCP Software) - resolved.
0002984: [Diagrams] Support topdown diagramming (BCP Software) - resolved.
0002680: [Other] The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context (BCP Software) - closed.
0001865: [Expressions] Prefix expression with language indicator (BCP Software) - closed.
0000618: [Repository] Make rolefixes obsolete (BCP Software) - closed.
0001125: [Import and Export] Import of IGDX to recover other file formats (BCP Software) - closed.
0003491: [User Interface] Show OTFT concept type in Taxonomy (BCP Software) - closed.
0000432: [Diagrams] Show rolename instead of rolenumber (BCP Software) - closed.
0002491: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] PowerDesigner View Dependency (BCP Software) - closed.
0002492: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] PowerDesigner Subset Constraint (BCP Software) - closed.
0002504: [Customization] Add Description to Custom Attribute definitions (BCP Software) - closed.
0002542: [Expressions] Extending Expression File Tag use (BCP Software) - closed.
0002579: [Installation] License registration by file/uri (BCP Software) - closed.
0002652: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Save Model Validation Report with IGG (BCP Software) - closed.
0002675: [Repository] Fact Type attribute for Maturity Staging (BCP Software) - closed.
0002679: [Expressions] Fact type names can be generated (BCP Software) - closed.
0002233: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Java Pojo generation (BCP Software) - closed.
0002289: [Diff and Merge] Report namespace version mismatch (BCP Software) - closed.
0002311: [Import and Export] Import ERWin XML (BCP Software) - closed.
0002336: [Repository] Support TAGs for classifying OTFT's (BCP Software) - closed.
0002364: [Import and Export] Support persistent system URI (BCP Software) - closed.
0002069: [Repository] Keep modeling log (BCP Software) - closed.
0002124: [Repository] Replace Object Type fails on population mismatch (BCP Software) - closed.
0002129: [Expressions] Expression file header ends up as comment (BCP Software) - closed.
0002130: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] PowerDesigner script contains invalid Length specifier (BCP Software) - closed.
0002147: [Import and Export] Import Business Glossary details (BCP Software) - closed.
0002186: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate Transitional Model (BCP Software) - closed.
0002195: [User Interface] Show lock icons on external OTFT's (BCP Software) - closed.
0001744: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate a ConceptMap for other tooling (BCP Software) - closed.
0001762: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generic JSON Schema generator for Classes (BCP Software) - closed.
0001835: [Diff and Merge] Merge should reverse namespace reference (BCP Software) - closed.
0001871: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Plugins are CaseTalk Edition aware (BCP Software) - closed.
0001973: [Diff and Merge] Updating the model while Merging (BCP Software) - closed.
0001991: [User Interface] Population editor re-use previous examples (BCP Software) - closed.
0001543: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support Denodo Materialized Tables (BCP Software) - closed.
0001555: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Incomplete population in generated DML scripts (BCP Software) - closed.
0001639: [User Interface] Click Namespace may slow CaseTalk (BCP Software) - closed.
0001729: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Add SQL2011 generator (BCP Software) - closed.
0001245: [Project] Save a snapshot of an IG(G) (BCP Software) - closed.
0001354: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support PostgreSQL (BCP Software) - closed.
0001444: [Installation] First time installers should configure first (BCP Software) - closed.
0001445: [Installation] Portable Shared App, support lock for start (BCP Software) - closed.
0001446: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Show tuples in PowerDesigner scripts (BCP Software) - closed.
0001053: [Repository] Add Object Type - quickly (BCP Software) - closed.
0001063: [Validation] Mark computer generated expressions (BCP Software) - closed.
0001072: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support Denodo Data Virtualization scripts (BCP Software) - closed.
0001114: [Repository] Support for managing sets of custom attributes (BCP Software) - closed.
0000668: [Validation] Validation of N and N-1 rule should include OTE awareness (BCP Software) - closed.
0000700: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] XSD contains no relations between complexTypes (BCP Software) - closed.
0000721: [User Interface] Shortest path as diagram function (BCP Software) - closed.
0000756: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] MongoDB script (BCP Software) - closed.
0000760: [Diff and Merge] Merge other repositories leads to duplicates in population (BCP Software) - closed.
0000779: [User Interface] Mail zipped project (BCP Software) - closed.
0000790: [Repository] Custom Attribute Type Boolean has no enumeration (BCP Software) - closed.
0000822: [Repository] ORM modeling allows role names (BCP Software) - closed.
0000830: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support Teradata DBMS (BCP Software) - closed.
0000855: [Installation] Show online content (BCP Software) - closed.
0000899: [Project] Implement different project archive timeschedule (BCP Software) - closed.
0000910: [Import and Export] Export HTML with embedded images (BCP Software) - closed.
0000913: [User Interface] Create empty new subtype is not possible (BCP Software) - closed.
0000953: [User Interface] Show diagrams as tabs in a single window (BCP Software) - closed.
0000092: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] MsAccess value contraints rule problem (BCP Software) - closed.
0000221: [Project] Support for custom file extensions from the Viewer (BCP Software) - closed.
0000274: [Validation] Implement sql based rules (BCP Software) - closed.
0000381: [User Interface] Dockable windows (BCP Software) - closed.
0000394: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Generate XSD per diagram (BCP Software) - closed.
0000401: [User Interface] Replace buttons in Expression Input Dialog (BCP Software) - closed.
0000453: [User Interface] Supply a Redo feature in addition to Undo. (BCP Software) - closed.
0000567: [Validation] Unreferenced tuples should raise a warning (BCP Software) - closed.
0000590: [Documentation (Web, Help, ..)] Show documentation for Label lexicalization (BCP Software) - closed.
0000595: [Diff and Merge] Merge repository and also add diagrams (BCP Software) - closed.
0001869: [Diagrams] Visualize OTE usage (BCP Software) - closed.
0001891: [Diagrams] Show generalized OT differently (BCP Software) - closed.
0001901: [Diagrams] Draw generalized super types with arrow (BCP Software) - closed.
0002304: [Diagrams] Allow OTFT's to group and lock (BCP Software) - closed.
0002325: [Diagrams] Expand diagram with required/dependent OTFT's (BCP Software) - closed.
0002473: [Diagrams] Export diagrams as SVG (BCP Software) - closed.
0002631: [Diagrams] Z Ordering issue (BCP Software) - closed.
0002736: [Diagrams] PlantUML script generator (BCP Software) - closed.
0000181: [Diagrams] Reposition roles automatically (BCP Software) - closed.
0000632: [Diagrams] Subset constraints in diagram shows too many roles (BCP Software) - closed.
0001961: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Prototyper files are not shown (BCP Software) - closed.
0000352: [Diagrams] Display subset constraint parts bidirectional (BCP Software) - closed.
0002232: [Repository] Number expressions similar to roles (BCP Software) - closed.
0000462: [Import and Export] Embed used namespaces in IG (BCP Software) - closed.
0000306: [Repository] Implement subdomain support (BCP Software) - closed.
0000918: [Import and Export] Namespaces also require versioning (BCP Software) - closed.
0001873: [User Interface] Support configurable text file coloring (BCP Software) - closed.
0002310: [Repository] Allow use case story (BCP Software) - closed.
0000276: [Expressions] Configure which expessions get shown in the diagram window tab (BCP Software) - closed.
0002005: [Repository] Alter played by removes reusable tuples (BCP Software) - closed.
0001728: [Customization] Investigate Chrome Embeded Framework browser (BCP Software) - closed.
0000506: [Expressions] Alter or replace substitutions (BCP Software) - closed.
0000179: [Expressions] Adding duplicate tuples (BCP Software) - closed.
0000861: [Import and Export] Publish models on a community site (BCP Software) - closed.
0000677: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] OWL classes incomplete (BCP Software) - closed.
0000656: [Other] Derive DataTypes during parsing expression (BCP Software) - closed.
0000011: [Documentation (Web, Help, ..)] Table Documentation Export (BCP Software) - closed.
0000614: [Documentation (Web, Help, ..)] Request for more documentation and annotation (BCP Software) - closed.
0000272: [Repository] Reference to external OWL concepts (BCP Software) - closed.
0000757: [Other] Support by directly mailing the project or screenprint (BCP Software) - closed.
0000607: [Other] More backup options (BCP Software) - closed.
0000786: [Expressions] Need option to reorder expressionparts (BCP Software) - closed.
0000804: [Documentation (Web, Help, ..)] Add custom attribute type Memo (BCP Software) - closed.
0000647: [Import and Export] Export repository with Legacy support (BCP Software) - closed.
120 of 300 issue(s) resolved. Progress (40%). View Issues