Maintenance release with various smaller fixes.
0004253: [Repository] New Fact Type should create substitutions (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004250: [User Interface] Add a little color to the Undo/Redo and Back/Forward buttons (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004245: [User Interface] Expressions not shown after canceling project close (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004256: [Integration] DeepL character encoding error (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004251: [Diagrams] Translate UML Association Labels (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004263: [Diagrams] UML Check is redundant (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004261: [Diagrams] UML attributes optionality not drawn (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004260: [Constraints] CC cannot overlap with narrow UC (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004246: [User Interface] Plugin loading is blocking (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004258: [User Interface] Cannot add tuples (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004252: [Diagrams] Manual selection and refresh needed (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004247: [Project] Project opens multiple IGs (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004244: [Diagrams] Add UC, TC, CC on selected role (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004248: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] OWL/RDF missing ObjectProperties (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003977: [Diff and Merge] Merging InterTC is wrong (BCP Software) - resolved.
0004249: [Integration] Ntfy without Proxy fails (BCP Software) - resolved.
16 issues View Issues