Maintenance Update
0000867: [Other] Embed newsfeed from website (BCP Software) - closed.
0000866: [Diagrams] Autosave diagram in other formats (BCP Software) - closed.
0000849: [User Interface] Single Document Interface does not work (BCP Software) - closed.
0000864: [Import and Export] Diagram Html export lacks proper encoding (BCP Software) - closed.
0000865: [Project] Project archive misses PNG and HTML (BCP Software) - closed.
0000643: [Constraints] Verbalizing subset constraints fails with multiple roleparts (BCP Software) - closed.
0000858: [User Interface] Delete SC results in A.V. (BCP Software) - closed.
0000859: [User Interface] Subset Editor shows inconsistent behaviour (BCP Software) - closed.
0000863: [Import and Export] Exporting diagram as HTML fails with Richtext (BCP Software) - closed.
9 issues View Issues