Maintenance release with a new Well-Formednes Rule, many user interface cleanups and fixed some rare crashes and blocking behaviours.
0000946: [Validation] Direction for grouping ambigious (BCP Software) - closed.
0001011: [User Interface] User interface changes not saved (BCP Software) - closed.
0001012: [User Interface] Cleanup OTFT and ROLE dialogs (BCP Software) - closed.
0001013: [User Interface] Update Validation and Transformation buttons (BCP Software) - closed.
0001019: [User Interface] Add an "insert object type expression" button (BCP Software) - closed.
0001025: [Transformation (GLR)] Proposal on/off can be undone (BCP Software) - closed.
0001018: [Diagrams] Repository highlight with disconnect diagrams (BCP Software) - closed.
0001015: [Validation] Errors and Warnings show no Hints in diagram (BCP Software) - closed.
0001021: [Validation] Rule "label type has no datatype" cannot be solved (BCP Software) - closed.
0001023: [User Interface] Well-formednes checks to often (BCP Software) - closed.
0001024: [Diagrams] GLR Proposals remove lines dots. (BCP Software) - closed.
0001014: [Repository] Creating subtypes may crash (BCP Software) - closed.
0001016: [User Interface] Unfinished edits lock the project (BCP Software) - closed.
0001017: [User Interface] 'Index out of range' when inserting OTE (BCP Software) - closed.
14 issues View Issues