0001072: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Support Denodo Data Virtualization scripts (BCP Software) - closed.
0001081: [Repository] Quickly add Label Types (BCP Software) - closed.
0001085: [Repository] Easily transform Rolefix to ObjectType (BCP Software) - closed.
0001093: [Import and Export] Custom Attributes not exported in XLS (BCP Software) - closed.
0001095: [User Interface] Show Memory allocated (BCP Software) - closed.
0000673: [Repository] Extend with custom annotations (BCP Software) - closed.
0001057: [Constraints] Delete UC names missing (BCP Software) - closed.
0001077: [User Interface] The sql window only shows only ig or igg (BCP Software) - closed.
0001079: [User Interface] Extend usability of expression tree window (BCP Software) - closed.
0001080: [Expressions] Obsolete confirmation when unlocking expressions (BCP Software) - closed.
0001082: [Validation] Validation should check for added and unused Label Types (BCP Software) - closed.
0001084: [Repository] Quickly create Object Type lacks name in soft semantics (BCP Software) - closed.
0001087: [User Interface] Extend repository filter with Expression Levels (BCP Software) - closed.
0001091: [Expressions] Quick insert, delete lines from expressionfiles (BCP Software) - closed.
0001092: [Import and Export] Import fails to support CustomAttributes (BCP Software) - closed.
0001076: [User Interface] Resource leak (BCP Software) - closed.
0001088: [User Interface] Window settings not always saved (BCP Software) - closed.
0001090: [Expressions] Index error when inserting last OTE into a new expression (BCP Software) - closed.
0001098: [User Interface] Drag OTFT onto diagram shows no-drop-cursor (BCP Software) - closed.
0001078: [Expressions] Expression Tree window crash (BCP Software) - closed.
0001089: [Constraints] Subset Constraint Editor creates Access Violation (BCP Software) - closed.
0001097: [Expressions] Active expression file may crash (BCP Software) - closed.
0001099: [Other] Expression qualification with UC wizard may result in abstract error (BCP Software) - closed.
23 issues View Issues