Closing minor bugs in obscure scenario.
Multi-locale diagram generation tweaks.
Fully translated (generated) diagrams.
0003499: [Other] Background validation and transformation in menu (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003495: [Other] Run tools and capture output (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003405: [Diagrams] Show ERD/UML/Concept map in other languages (BCP Software) - resolved.
       0003493: [Diagrams] Locale Expressions in MAP (BCP Software) - resolved.
       0003492: [Diagrams] Locale Expressions in ERD (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003517: [Expressions] Order or OTFTs in classification list (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003513: [User Interface] Cannot close diagram tab (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003507: [Installation] Setup filename should include buildnumber (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003503: [User Interface] Local OTFT and Expression colorized (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003505: [Project] Show archive filenames (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003504: [Server] Upload/Download without using IGX format (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003432: [Server] Skip saving IG(G)x (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003501: [Project] Saving Project markdown file (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003498: [Diagrams] Diagram previews use default style (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003488: [Diagrams] Drag OTFT to create new diagram (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003486: [User Interface] Namespace selection freezes ui (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003485: [Lineage] Show all existing namespace versions (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003516: [Diagrams] Subset constraint character misplaced (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003511: [User Interface] OTFT ViewStyle button not visible (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003502: [Server] OTFT Abbreviation not uploaded (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003497: [Validation] Manual verify allows creating duplicate UCs (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003494: [Diagrams] Do not show empty comment sections (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003489: [Diagrams] Lines between concepts and Label Types (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003482: [Diagrams] OTFT Comment not translated (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003519: [User Interface] Current namespace does not show all otfts (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003515: [Diagrams] Some subset constraints are not drawn in IGD after GLR (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003510: [User Interface] Taxonomy requires refresh (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003500: [Server] Model not always downloaded properly (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003490: [Expressions] Expressions without a period (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003487: [User Interface] Switch tabs when dragging over (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003484: [Diff and Merge] Merging legacy expressions fail (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003518: [User Interface] Expression tree failure (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003506: [Diff and Merge] Merge crashes on renames (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003496: [Expressions] Expression input crashes casetalk (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003514: [Diagrams] UML not showing on legacy models (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003512: [Transformation (GLR)] GLR Blocks with Expression part error (BCP Software) - resolved.
36 issues View Issues