Enhancements to ERD/UML diagram styling and ChatGPT integration and increased stability.
0003975: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] ER/Studio support for artificial key (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003988: [Expressions] Provide ChatGPT fact expression feedback (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003986: [Diagrams] Hide more elements in ERD, UML (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003974: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] Containers for splitting attributes (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003968: [Server] Allow upload comment (BCP Software) - resolved.
0001865: [Expressions] Prefix expression with language indicator (BCP Software) - closed.
0003179: [Diagrams] Depict OTFT pictures (BCP Software) - closed.
0003923: [Constraints] Allow TC to be intentially absent (BCP Software) - resolved.
0002965: [Other] Link with technical data (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003993: [User Interface] Add Book to list of concept types (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003991: [User Interface] Paste into diagram from Excel creates an image (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003989: [User Interface] Fact and Role table editor issue (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003985: [Project] Multi Instances should allow opening multiple projects (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003983: [Installation] ChatGPT and DeepL not working behind ProxyServer (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003980: [Installation] PlantUML V1.2023.8 (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003979: [Diagrams] Some generated diagrams fail on Notes (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003976: [Repository] Export OTFT synclink in Area Table (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003966: [Transformation (GLR)] Do not honor absent TC in artifacts (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003965: [Diagrams] Totality contraint does not zoom (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003961: [Repository] Indicate invalid rolepaths (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003992: [Diagrams] Concept may show as subtype in UML (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003981: [User Interface] Cannot edit InterTC (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003969: [Validation] Error in : Roles must have distinct semantic meanings (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003964: [Diagrams] Generated diagram is cropped (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003960: [Repository] Rolemapping wrong when dragging metadata (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003990: [Generation (SQL, XML, etc)] UML Cardinality error (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003973: [Repository] Rolepath/mapping renders invalid characters (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003972: [User Interface] Vocabulary dialogs delays (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003971: [Installation] Switching workspaces (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003987: [User Interface] Split model using digram fails (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003984: [Installation] Closing CaseTalk may crash (and restart) (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003982: [Installation] CaseTalk Restarts when closing (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003970: [Repository] PostgreSQL blocked again (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003967: [Server] Download blocked with new cardinality constraint (BCP Software) - resolved.
0003962: [Transformation (GLR)] Force Reduce may leave VC after GLR (BCP Software) - resolved.
35 issues View Issues